
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

El Rocio, Andalucia.

We have spent an enjoyable few days at El Rocio, which rests beside "La Madre De Las Marismas Del Rocio," the mother of the marshes. It seems we make our annual pilgrimage here, but come the month of May & more than 1 million people gather here to celebrate Pentecost. An extraordinary spectacle, with whole villages & local "brotherhoods"converging on horseback & in lavishly decorated ox carts, commemorating the miracle of Nuestra Senora del Rocio (our Lady of the Dew) It is a pretty white town with sand streets where horse drawn carriages sweep by. 

Cowboy hatted horse riders parade, stopping for a tipple, whilst on horseback, at one of the many bars dotted along the streets, a bit like a wild west town.
While the boys are out on the town, the ladies might be looking for a new flamenco dress!
Surrounding the town is the Donana National Park, the largest in Europe, where huge flocks of birds over winter & many migrators use this area on their passage & it is one of the most important conservation sites for the Iberian Lynx & Spanish Imperial Eagle.
Glossy Ibis flying to their roosting ground.
Male Marsh Harrier.

Little Grebe
Great White Egret (tap dancing)
Glossy Ibis (Fan dancing)

They say that one swallow does not make a summer, but we have seen so many that spring must be coming your way soon!!

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