
Sunday, 13 November 2011

AIGUAMOLLS DE L'EMPORDA (Catalunya last week of October2011)

As you can see from the above, not good weather for birding, but the beach near St Pere Pescador, where we were staying, was pretty awesome. Inspite of the conditions we set off to explore along the river Fluvia,  with only binos and hit the jackpot for us, an Osprey, who had just caught a fish and landed to devour it, high up in a tree, on the island. It is a must for us to return here tomorrow, if the weather lifts a little, with Mikes new 600mm Canon F4 lense, that he is test driving at the moment, so he is hot for the chase!

We returned the next day in hope, and were rewarded, although at great distance, and the light not good, there it was, a joy to observe, especially through the scope. AN OSPREY!

 We make no apologies for  three photographs of the Osprey, we have many more, but for us this was special, to watch this magnificent bird and try to capture it on camera. Whilst watching we met local bird lovers, Marty and his lovely wife, who informed us that an Osprey has over wintered here for the last 12 years.
 The next day we visited El Cortalet, again not a brilliant birding day, as all birds seem to have been through or had not arrived,  but we did see this little chap, making steady progress.

Crayfish out for a strole.
Observing from one of the hides we saw, Teal, Widgeon, Herons, Mallards (ofcourse) Grey Lag Geese and some beautiful Fallow Deer enjoying the sun and the peace, on one of the little islands, whilst hearing in the bushes, Cettis and Sardinian warblers, Robins and Stonechats and the call of at least one Stone Curlew.

Comming in to land!  Grey Heron.
Whilst walking along the trails to Mas del Mata, we were so pleased to see this little Water Pippit, sitting in the sun.

 We think that this is a Scarce Aeshna, but not too sure.
As always we have to explore the area, so we cycled to L'Escala along the coast, passing through St Marti, where there are ivy covered ruins and little cobbled Streets, very pretty.

Looking back towards St Pere Pescador.

This is a beautiful area when you get off the beaten track, with wind blown beaches, full of kite boarders  their brightly coloured sails streaming in the wind, secret quiet lagoons full of birdlife, pretty villages like Castello d'Empuries and orchards full of apples.

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